To stay or to move – is the question. You may be thinking it’s time to upgrade your space, but how do you know if it’s time to move locations, or update your current home? 

We outlined a few things to consider before you make this HUGE decision for yourself and your family.



Taking into consideration what you like or don’t like about WHERE you live is a huge factor. 

What is it you love about your neighborhood? Are there good schools in the neighborhood, lots of amenities, parks, or really good neighbors? Are the homes increasing in value in your neighborhood? Are other houses being renovated in your area? 

There are so many things to consider about your location when deciding to pick a new one or stay put. It might be a good idea to consider making a list for yourself and deciding if your location is where you want to stay. 



Another big consideration is your square footage or even your lot size. If you are considering a change because you need a bigger space, this might come up. If your home is too small for your family and your lot isn’t big enough to expand, then it might be time to move locations. 

Find a home that will accommodate your family – no matter what stage you are in life, or what you need for your lifestyle. 


It might even be a good idea to consider both options – at the same time. You might want to renovate your current home and then put it on the market. A good renovation can add a ton of value to your home and put you at the forefront of other homes selling in your area. 

The two biggest places to renovate to increase value are – your kitchen and bathrooms. This might be your best investment to get the value out of your home before choosing a new one. 



Lastly, but most important, is your budget. Both options can be pricy, depending on your wants and needs. Selling your home can come with a lot of costs - Realtor fees and more. Plus the home you purchase might need some work as well!

However, if you are considering renovating your current space, start thinking of how much your budget will be for your home. Are you wanting to fix up a few rooms, the exterior of the entire home? Your budget will be a big deciding factor when it comes to making the decision to renovate or move. 

Overall, the decision is a big one. If you are on the fence about what is best for your family – or you want a quote for the changes you want to make in your home let’s chat! We would love to work with you and your family to make your home exactly what you need it to be! 

Michell Lytle